Saturday, January 30, 2010

my new theme song with video!

Library by Cursor Miner.

"It's a lot better than watching TV."

"Librarians are often sexy!"

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lush extravaganza

So thanks to Lizard (gift card at Christmas/Yule), I went wild at Lush. Got a wonderful package of goodies on their new 9 Products for $25 promotion. See here:

I figured its a good way for a newbie like me to try out their stuff. I've bought soap and bath bombs before but not all the wild creams and other things.

Thankfully the very helpful sales person gave me a little sheet to tell me how to use all these products. She did explain as we were going along chosing the items, but there is no way I would remember how to use all 9 of them!

I also got some Karma soap and the Honey Trap Lip Balm.

Oh boy, am I going to smell good!